Marriage Tips by Yvett R. Toko

This is a story from our guest blogger, Yvette R. Toko

Welcome to the month of August. Conflict is never easy to resolve because each party feels they are right in their perspective. Sometimes, these differences can lead to arguing, disrespectful behaviors, and withdrawing. All of these create distance in marriage. Focus on the Family discusses 8 tips from Ron Blue and Jeremy L. White, who have written about t this topic in Faith Based Finances that help manage conflict in marriage. 

How many times have you heard or said to your spouse they 'always' do something or 'never' do something?  Blue and White suggest that couples "stick to the problem at hand and not put your spouse on the defensive." Also, "get on the same side of the fence" by trying to find a solution that is based on "our way" instead of “my wa”. Consider what attitudes or beliefs are motivating your behavior by "trying to identify the core issues."  Next, don't assume anything about your spouse by trying to interpret their actions, "discuss beliefs and expectations openly."

So far so good, right? This is definitely easier said than done, but possible.  Let's continue.  The fifth tip is not to stay angry overnight and agree to table the matter until the next day. Fair fighting is not easy to practice, but hitting below the belt by attacking your spouse’s character is a no-no, according to Blue and White.  Instead talking about circumstances and behavior wins out over character assassination.  Being right can be great for the ego but does not go over well in resolving conflict with our spouse. The "relationship with your spouse is for more important than being right" notes Blue and White. And lastly, if you think it couldn't get any better, forgiveness is the eighth tip, "love keeps no record of wrongs."  I will put my score keeper away if you do. I hope you have enjoyed these tips. Check in with us at Weddings Trends and let us know how you resolve conflict in your marriage.

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About Yvette Toko

Yvette R. Toko is an author, a wife, mother, and teacher. Yvette is the founder of Healing Words with Yvette. Yvette believes in the power of words to heal. She uses words in all forms to encourage, uplift and inspire herself and others. Her most important roles are being a wife, mother, teacher and writer.

You can connect with Toko through her literary works. She is the author of WeddingQuotes of Inspiration, a wedding book filled with quotes to inspire married couples.

How to generate wedding ideas using Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest

Planning your wedding can be a herculean task. It is your big day and you want everything to be perfect on this day. You may be thinking about the music and finding the right DJ or musician to play your favorite love songs on your special occasion. You may even be thinking about the color that you will like to have on your wedding for the dress, flowers, decorations, souvenirs, and so on.

Gone are those days when you have to head out to the store or market to find the right color or choose the attire that you want. Now, you can sit in the comfort of your home and pick out everything you want for your wedding from renting the hall to buying fresh flowers for your venue decoration.

Your wedding gown can be picked online and delivered right to your door step, or your wedding cake delivered to the venue on your wedding day.
In this post, we have helped you to find how to use the online to generate creative ideas for your wedding.

Instagram: A recent blog post by Instagram revealed that there are more than 500 million users on the platform. Of that number, “more than 300 million …. use Instagram every single day,” (Instagram). There are over 58 million posts with #wedding on Instgram. When you browse through the #wedding, you will find various kinds of pictures of brides, decorations, gift items, locations, and so on. You can take a couple of hours a day to dig through over 50 million posts to give you a sound idea on how you can plan your wedding in a  creative way.

Facebook: When you do a search on “wedding ideas” directly on Facebook, a ton of options pop up from magazines fan pages to actual posts by people and businesses who serve brides and grooms with their guests on their special day. Leading the chart is Wedding Ideas magazine with over 200,000 fans, followed by - Inspirations, Ideas, Tips with almost 200,000 fans. Face also suggested that “People also like Chair Cover Factory, Chic Sparkles and other Products” all of who provide services that can make your wedding a memorable event if you are within their service areas.

Pinterest: Once you do a Google search of wedding ideas on Pinterest, you get a page that displays over 1000 wedding ideas for you. The ideas are endless. There are even ideas on how to remember a deceased family member during the wedding by having a chair for the late. Elegant Wedding Invites provide you with a creative idea to make it come alive. Another creative plan you can find on Pinterest in not just your wedding list but photograph session list. That way, you will not miss anyone important out of your wedding album.

Now you have ideas from three of the social media platforms you can generate your wedding ideas online. Share some ideas that you know or have used to plan your own, a family member, or a friend’s wedding.

Wedding Trends Celebrates Ana Deisy and Edgar

Wedding Trends celebrates Ana Daisy and Edgar in their holy matrimony as they tie the know over the weekend in Fort Smith Arkansas.
One of their attendees, Bril Macias celebrated with them as she shared on Facebook, "When the celebrations of marriage helps us to unite! Happy birthday Ana Deisy and Edgar! ‪#‎Wedding‬ ‪#‎wedding‬"
Ana Deisy and Edgar wedding celebration. Picture by Brill Macias