Congratulations to Dancy and Harold D'Souza on 25 Years Wedding Anniversary!

Weddings Trends is glad to celebrate Dancy and Harold D'Seouza, one of our previously featured couples on this platform for reaching a new milestone in their marriage. The couple is celebrating 25 years wedding anniversary.

Below is the article and pictures submitted by the groom to celebrate their Silver Anniversary.

         Wedding is a choice, marriage is a commitment

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Truly said by Helen Keller. Similarly, wedding is not about flaunting, marriage is not about controlling, but happiness should be felt in the heart.

If wedding is wealth then marriage is health, but the pure Kohinoor of a family, is the wife, who is the true wealth, health, and happiness.

Wedding is a choice, marriage is a commitment and cultivating a family is happiness. Wedding is an event, but marriage gives you an opportunity to live your dreams. Wedding can be compared to external beauty, but marriage to the internal beauty of understanding, respect and forgiveness.

Seems such a short time that Dancy and I are celebrating 9131 days, 300 months and 25 years of companionship on May 29, 2019. Ours is an arranged marriage, turning obstacles into opportunities, pain to pleasure, sickness to sunshine, fights to friendship, ego to empathy, control to caring, trauma to trust and fear to faith.

Wedding is a creation of passion. Marriage develops purpose, but family generates power. Relationship should never lead to a short-term infatuation, but a marriage of lifelong happiness.

Happy marriage is all about communication, trust, faith, transparency, forgiveness, and understanding.

Our journey through marriage is built on seven principles of trust, love, care, forgiveness, respect, faith, and freedom. The day we got married, it was never “I” or “ME” it was always “WE”. The moment we were blessed with Bradly and Rohan our “WE” got transformed to “OURS”. We always addressed ourselves as “The D’Souza Family”. We believe in practicing not preaching. We live our lives by caring for each other not controlling. We focus on fixing the problem not the blame.

At a very young age, Bradly and Rohan were groomed on four principles in life, value, character, faith, and finance. Engaging, educating, encouraging, enlightening and empowering Bradly and Rohan was our mission in life.

Respecting, recognizing and rewarding my wife Dancy in private and public is the simple secret to a cheerful married life. We always reason out our differences never argue. We look, listen, learn, love and laugh as a family. Whenever I make a mistake, I apologize to my wife and sons with compassion. I believe making a mistake is not a mistake, making no mistake is a mistake, repeating a mistake is a big mistake, but learning from your mistakes to live a happy life is never a mistake.

Attending marriage counselling classes will change your life from satisfying to delighting your spouse. I believed marriage counselling is only for couples having differences, problems, and frictions. I was absolutely wrong. Marriage counselling programs are informative, inspiring and incredible. We attended a few marriage enhancing programs. In my first program, I gained a million-dollar tip on how to keep your wife delighted not satisfied. Small things like after coming from grocery shopping, tell your wife to go inside the house happily and you carry all the groceries inside. Doing the dishes, laundry, chores and vacuuming especially when your wife is not at home. I was a zero before I attended the program but today, I am proud to say I am a hero in these matters.

Believe it or not, we never celebrated birthdays, anniversary days or exchanged gifts on any of these auspicious dates. We live our lives like every day is birthday, Christmas, Diwali or Thanksgiving day. Whenever the need arises, we just do it.

Dancy said, “A family that prays together stays together, and a family that eats together stays together.”

I believe, “WIFE” means; wonderful inspiration for ever and not worries invited forever.

Wedding is a choice, marriage is a commitment, so divorce should not be a solution nor an option. Marriage is always about a WIN-WIN situation. The best way a father can express his love for his children is to love their mother. It’s always supporting each other on strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats.

Focus on companionship not marriage, focus on delighting not satisfying, focus on caring not controlling, focus on ours not mine, focus on wife not life, then happiness is forever.

Marriage is a journey, not a destination. Like running a marathon, it does not matter whether you crawl, walk, jog, or run. It’s not all about winning the race, it’s about finishing it. Hence, marriage is not about winning or losing. Love, enjoy, relish, and respect your married life. Most newlyweds start strongly but finish poorly. God bless all newlyweds and married couples forever.



1 comment:

  1. Very well written Harold ! Congratulations to you and Dancy!
